Community Identifies Need
Recent demonstrations against police brutality have brought attention to the implicit bias and systemic racism in many of the institutions in our country. Young people who want to change deficit narratives about people of color need support in order to redefine the standards that have been placed upon them.
Partner Response
Young Aspiring Americans for Social and Political Activism (YAASPA) endeavors to build the self-efficacy of youth who desire to make change in our communities, pursue social science degrees, and social justice careers. The organization encourages and supports disengaged and underserved youth to participate in their communities socially and politically, in order to make changes within the community. YAASPA works with middle school through college students to support them to be civically engaged in community and career, to build their academic and career efficacy, civic literacy and racial identity.
A core group of students has participated in YAASPA for much of their teenage years and learned a lot about advocacy and how to effect change. They have made lasting change on issues such as transit equity and concurrent enrollment. Learn more about YAASPA via their website, and this video.