Partner Highlights

A Letter to the New DPS Superintendent

Published: June 17, 2021

Op-Ed written by Ariel Taylor Smith of Transform Education Now. A letter to the next superintendent of Denver Public Schools: […]

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American Indian Academy of Denver on Colorado Wildfires

Published: June 17, 2021

Middle school students from the American Indian Academy of Denver visited the site of the Hayman fire earlier this spring […]

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Ednium: The Alumni Collective

Published: January 25, 2021

TeRay Esquibel, RootED’s Partner for Community Partnership and Advocacy, is inspiring change with a new organization, Ednium: The Alumni Collective. TeRay […]

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KIPP Colorado Schools New CEO Tomi Amos

Published: August 24, 2020

Research has shown that students who share the same background as educators, receive more effective role modeling, higher expectations for learning and their future, and have fewer cultural differences.

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DSST Public Schools invest in businesses owned by people of color

Published: August 17, 2020

More than 800 DSST Public Schools teachers and staff received $40 each in gift cards to businesses owned by people of color.

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Education advocates say DPS budget needs to address student inequities

Published: June 29, 2020

Denver families learned this spring that DPS would face dramatic budget cuts due to the plunge in sales tax, income tax and other revenue streams brought on by the COVID 19 pandemic.

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Study Finds Denver Families Want To Be Valued As Partners By Public Schools

Published: June 8, 2020

Color-coding school quality based on academic measures had mixed results over the past two decades in Denver.

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Young Aspiring Americans for Social & Political Activism

Published: June 5, 2020

Young Aspiring Americans for Social and Political Activism (YAASPA) endeavors to build the self-efficacy of youth who desire to make change in our communities, pursue social science degrees, and social justice careers.

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Published: May 30, 2020

The strength of FaithBridge flows from the ability of the Faith community to unite around a single cause, with a single focus and a single voice—to ensure every child in Denver can get a high-quality education without restrictions or limitations of any kind.

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